R.A.D. Blogger

I'm a professor with a joint position in rhet/comp and women's studies. I work at a large mid-western U in a pretty small town, which seems to welcome a. students and b. people with kids (pwk); I am neither. I research eugenics and policy making; most days I think about the book I need to write about said topic, some days I actually write about it. I live with Z (a "feminist 4th grade teacher"), Spike, and Bodhi. I think too much about breathing, decorating, cooking, and living elsewhere.


In celebration of one of my most prized mid-western purchases (the other is a deep freezer):

Crock-pot Haikus

Raw veggie meat mix
Arrive home to cooking smells
A dinner for me

Fear house burning down
Unattended it cooks hours!
Alas dinner is ready

Easy leftovers
A tasty grab and go lunch
Midday sustenance



All the cool kids are doing it....

Blogging! Yes, indeed it does appear that at least all the "cool" rhet/comp folks have started doing it quite well-- we are rhetoricians after all and writing is our forte.

I thought I would spend a moment in this first post to outline why I have chosen to blog:
1. I hope that blogging might become a productive form of procrastination making me actively write about my research;
2. Besides Z. and a few others around here, I rarely have a chance to share my observations about living in a small town (which is somewhat of a new experience for me)-- some are good, some are bad, some are ironic, some just are, some are simply perplexing. For example, there is a store called about half way between here and one of the nearest large cities, they claim to sell flooring and yet their symbol, which looms large outside the store, looks to me like a KKK hood...hmmmmm;
3. Since I have been actively reading other people's blogs (and not really commenting, ahem) I thought I should perhaps at least add to the conversation in some way;
4. I got rid of cable television;
5. Writing about my life may actually convince me that it is indeed more exciting than I originally thought;
6. Maybe for the first time in my life I can be "cool" too...