R.A.D. Blogger

I'm a professor with a joint position in rhet/comp and women's studies. I work at a large mid-western U in a pretty small town, which seems to welcome a. students and b. people with kids (pwk); I am neither. I research eugenics and policy making; most days I think about the book I need to write about said topic, some days I actually write about it. I live with Z (a "feminist 4th grade teacher"), Spike, and Bodhi. I think too much about breathing, decorating, cooking, and living elsewhere.


In celebration of one of my most prized mid-western purchases (the other is a deep freezer):

Crock-pot Haikus

Raw veggie meat mix
Arrive home to cooking smells
A dinner for me

Fear house burning down
Unattended it cooks hours!
Alas dinner is ready

Easy leftovers
A tasty grab and go lunch
Midday sustenance



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